Wednesday, December 29, 2010

tution time! mel go tution wor..
we all are discuss bout next year tution time..
so complicated..
i havent daftar yet..wait ky la..

after tution went to jj with manju and mel..
so fun!! keeps joking around..
mel kena bully..

28 dec 2010~

teo become a ditcher dy..promise to go pavi but dint go..~!!!
so, lastly i take lrt with izz to go hang tuah station and meet sai there..
izz reach the lrt station late..i wait so long..haih.
starting i scare i will akward with her..
scare ntg to talk..but atlast we can get together well..
when meet sai! so long dint see this buddy..miss her lots!!

then, we walk walk at pavi..
while waiting fara and afiqah..
alya nvr go cause she go somewhere with her cousins..
we all eat at the food court there..
walk with fara to find food..
damn fun walk with her!! especially when buying cake and at the sticky shop!! u fara!!!

after eat, we go karaoke!!
sing sing sing..starting not really sing..just me and sai crazy there..
others so quiet?? hahaha..
not much longer, fara and afiqah oso go back lo..
but me and others continue singing!! or shouting? dancing??

wow..i meet cynice at the ts..
and meet aless at lrt station..
so fun and cant believe get to meet them.
having some chat then oso bla lo..

atnight! i learned to play mahjung!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


yesterday i dream smtg weird..
in tat dream..every of my friends HATE me !!
they just pretend to like me at the starting!
wow, damn weird lo tat dream..
if really dream come true ar..sei lo!!

when im wake up..
wat a shock!
i recieve a msg from her..
talk smtg than went to jj lo..
atnight dinner at my house..
talk back jor?? hahahahaha..
she purposely dont want choi me at results day?? very fun izzit???

teo allergic ar..hope she alright la.
get well soon! so that tomorow can go out!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry xmas!

yesterday damn tired leh!
tot faster finish work then can go back home sleep de..
but!!!! go eat with grandparents..
then, i forget tat i promise to go church..
okok la..kinda fun..but its just too tired..
went back home, continue watching pokemon!! favourite cartoon!

today is xmas!
go to donate 30 set mcdonald burger to all the orphan!
wah..when the time they wish thx ar! really damn happy want lo..
the feeling is hmm..cant explain la..haha

then go visit my family relatives that got cancer..
hmm, he stil good..just thin liau..
mum ask me want go sg wang or not..
dont want la..damn tired, went back home and continue pokemon AGAIN!

get money from aunts and uncles..hehe
even not much but i apprechiate lots..

Thursday, December 23, 2010


i might goin to genting again..
but this time with teo and family!!
i ask my mum and my mum said yes!!
haha..teo sure happy de..
hope audrey can go oso le.
but lack of one ppl..
ltr sure got one ppl no partneer de..hahahaha damn lazy to wake and go work la..
tired man!1hahaha

misunderstand or purposely??

my last post did release my angriness..
so, this post is just continue bout the last stories!!
ok! my mum got contact with her or her mum??
and tell me tat, she just dint saw me??
is tat a lie? or the truth?
i just dunnoo lo..
is i misunderstand the whole thing??
think negative??
or izzit the true tat she purposely do this??
no idea..just dunno wat will she react if she saw this?
well..many differences i heard bout her results..and lastly i knew the real want.
she ok c, no d..just b..lots of improve liau.happy for her..
but i just felt we both looks like a stranger for each already..

just only her mum contact me and me to a party..
dunno want to go or not..
since she dont have the intention to ask me go..
better i follow my sis go church tonight la..ciau~!

Straight A!! is result time..
so damn freaking scare! im the first one hu reach among my gang!
reach only saw Ezra..she teman me go take results..
than saw nasha and mehar..they get straight a too..congrats!!
but damn scare u know!!
go to find teacher, teacher ask why come so late..more scare!!
teacher give sijil first, when teacher finding the results slip.,
i ran away man!! all my friends call me back..and teacher ask me want take or not de?
then i just take lo!! yipee!! straight a!! happy like hell man!!!!!
call my mum, she dont believe at the dou!!
this year more than last year 1 ppl oo..
total got 16 ppl get straight A!!

all my friend looks funny when take results la..
some no reaction..some scream..some normal..hahahaha
take pic lo!! then run here and there..
go find teacher said thx!!
too nik and norila pindah next year..haih..
nvm, got take pic with them =)

then, chat with besties guardians!
hahahaha..kepoh here and there..
go ts lo!! karaoke then movie! having lots of fun oo!!
teo suffer from hungriness!!hahaha

haih..tot celebrating with family de..
but dunno where my mum go>?????
hahaha..nvm, having dinner with my sis bf family..
then!! go to ts AGAIN!!!

yeah!! one more thing!!
make me suffer from a lrt tat no aircond!!
swt la..! free sauna??hahahaha

when on fb..many things to reply..
proud man!! but kinda sad when some of my friend dont get good results..
dont know wat to said to them..
hmmm,... thing make me angry today is..
my so LONG BF!! dunno wat happen..
there is the conversation when i meet her today :
she : get wat!?
me : straight jor!
then, i hug her..she no reaction..then i oso go away lo..
not much longer when back from teman ky go her aunt car,
i meet them!
i said la.. hey both aunties!
they x layan just laugh laugh laugh..
then i call their name!
they just enter the car and laugh!!!wat the fuck!!!!
mayb u have ur NEW BEST BEST FRIENDS!!
since u both so close now..but do u need to treat me like tat??
swt la!
somemore many ppl ask me bout u??
wat am i gonna answer??
all oso think im the one who did wrong?? pls la!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Results time!!

first i want to talk about tution today..
wah..damn lo..
kah yin ask me go earlier..
i mai go earlier lo..
then!!!! when im goin to reach..
she said she will late a bit! za dou!

enter the room, saw manju..
ajak her go eat AGAIN!
hahahahaha...then i dunno why cynice and ky keep rushing me??
keep ask me to go to 7 eleven while im eating???
they scare no place..rain!, i oso dont manage to finish my burger..
yea..the zinger burger now got new de..yerr..they put the smelly stuff into it again! yucks!!

today i keep telling everyone bout tomorow..
tomorow can get results lu..
very damn scare leh...haih..
look relax leh..but when talk bout it..tears oso can drop ga!
when i goin to calm, ppl sms me and ask me wat time go skul la..and bla bla bla..
swt! hope i can get straight a le!!pray for tat alot..

sms with natalie justnow.!! gek sei me lo.
i think i have to explain to her tomorow..
tomorow outing hope can have fun la..
hope everyone can long nvr go together liau lo..
hope all get straight a , so no one will be sad le..
pray tat this year more ppl get straight A!!!

wah..i damn long nvr contacy with coco dy lo..
dunno she sei jor hui pin..
nextyear oso dunno will we go skkul together?
felt like my friendship with her kinda sucks liau..
tat time we meet oso like ntg to talk??
lasttime we meet everyday oso gt many stuff to talk??
dunno la..haih..
pray this friendship will last forever!!

besides, i miss natalie la!
i miss the moment we shop together..
long time nvr shop with this soh po liau lu..

today is chinese ppl big festival..
is like new year..
later can eat tong yuen!!yummy!
my favourite food!!hehehehe

today sej class quite tention la!!
teacher just teach us..but when answer the ques..i almost blank??
how leh? mayb i just start to enter form 4..
so havent ready gua..gambateh oo!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tution Fr3n

Nowdays i meet kinda lot of my tution friends..
all oso nvr tution at martin jor..
hmm, when meet them, it reminds me bout our crazyness during tution..
some of them i not really close with...or mayb they dunt even know my name..
but its ok..

PMR results really very near liau lo..
wondering wat will i get??
everyone said i sure can get good results..izzit really true?
how if i cant get?

hmm..this holiday many ppl go working le..
haha..why all so rajin liau de?
or want money??
dunno le..thats all le! tata

Sunday, December 19, 2010

office day!

today go work not as usual oo.
grandfather fetch..mum go airport fetch aunts..
yipee! aunts buy shirt for me at japan!
they having lots of fun good..wish i can go there 1 day!

miss my friends la..
miss all of them..
this hols i so guai..
no goin one ajak..hahahaha
sien lo..wat movie oso havent watch..
btw, very long nvr out with the soh po ji mui ( natlie )
miss the moment we hang out together =}
haih..when can we hang out leh?
last year oso before christmas..this year leh?
think bout it la!!


18 dec 2010..
went to concert with two of my dearest buddies ; teo and aud..
and oso with jojo..
tot of hanging out with them on th3 next day de...
very excited tim..
but too bad is..
that 2 idiots tot cancel dy!! == swt la!!
no wonder their bag look so small!!
haih..anyway, having lots of fun during the concert!!
jokes around..
new name for teo and audrey..huahuahua..!!!!!
meet pui mun and pei yin there..
got leng zai ar!!!!!!!!!!!haha

really having lots of fun la..
the concert was awesomeQ!!!!
scream and shout even dunno who is the singer..
aud and jojo keep bla bla bla cause i ask them to go back before the concert ends..haha
sowie dude~!!

btw, my mum keep saying us stupid pig..
hahaha/...wanna know why?
when go fetch teo, my mum go to the other side of the cempaka lrt station.
teo is on petaling line..and my mum is on ampang line!1 ==
than go fetch audrey..audrey said teo knew where is her hse..
but teo dunno! call aud, but dunno what she telling!
atlast talk with her mum! aud keep dont want let us know where is her hse!
she leave in a sloak? hahaha..atlast osso we get to know..yipee!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

when we get results leh?

PMR has over for a long time..
but the results havent yet,
when we really get the results tat decide which stream we enter?
most of the students is still thinking bout this.
i am one of them.
i have no idea which want should i enter..
Im not interested in science or art..
math ok la..but they all said add maths very hard..
hope u all can give me opinion oo.^^

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

boring le..

just done reading all my friends blog..
only realise teo keep sleep over at ppl house..hahaha
btw, i hope this saturday i will have fun..
this holiday is long..but is the holiday tat i not go out so often..
not goin out more than 3 times i think..i ownself oso cant believe tat..hahaha

i suddenly very miss my friends and seniors la.
i very hungry and tired le.
felt like sleeping..
later still got sej class tim..haih..sien lo

Monday, December 13, 2010

story time!!

long time nvr post anything to my blog..

really wanna tell smtg out..

but just dunno how to express those feeling..

more 2 weeks get pmr results le.

i think most of the form3 already forget bout it..

or ady no feelings bout it..
will they worry? nervous? scare??or brave to take the result??
hope i can get straight A le.!
SO long nvr talk bout seniors ( form 5 ).
sometimes when heard the name only remember back them..haha
i oso scared i will forget them..
so, i just go fb and drop some msg to them..
btw , i misss some of them!! <3
i miss the time i being a junior..haha..
a dumb want!
.......................................................................................................................................... working at my mum office..
kinda tired..hahaha..try to gain working experience..
actually can work with my grandpa de.
more money..haha..somemore will be more fun working at night market..
somemore i can buy stuff..hahaha..
my grandpa can gave me rm 50
my mum here rm20
bt i helped my mum la..cause her partner, like tat lo
somemore i have no experience working with grandpa..
i dunno the price..
i just worked once with my uncle..hahahaha
btw, i hope i work with ivy oso..but too bad..i cant work tat..haih
i miss her la ( yl and carmen ).
long time dint saw both of them liau..
i post smtg at mun there..she reply so short..
i oso dunno wat to said...
hahahaha..thats all la..bye!