Monday, December 13, 2010

story time!!

long time nvr post anything to my blog..

really wanna tell smtg out..

but just dunno how to express those feeling..

more 2 weeks get pmr results le.

i think most of the form3 already forget bout it..

or ady no feelings bout it..
will they worry? nervous? scare??or brave to take the result??
hope i can get straight A le.!
SO long nvr talk bout seniors ( form 5 ).
sometimes when heard the name only remember back them..haha
i oso scared i will forget them..
so, i just go fb and drop some msg to them..
btw , i misss some of them!! <3
i miss the time i being a junior..haha..
a dumb want!
.......................................................................................................................................... working at my mum office..
kinda tired..hahaha..try to gain working experience..
actually can work with my grandpa de.
more money..haha..somemore will be more fun working at night market..
somemore i can buy stuff..hahaha..
my grandpa can gave me rm 50
my mum here rm20
bt i helped my mum la..cause her partner, like tat lo
somemore i have no experience working with grandpa..
i dunno the price..
i just worked once with my uncle..hahahaha
btw, i hope i work with ivy oso..but too bad..i cant work tat..haih
i miss her la ( yl and carmen ).
long time dint saw both of them liau..
i post smtg at mun there..she reply so short..
i oso dunno wat to said...
hahahaha..thats all la..bye!

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