Tuesday, January 11, 2011

long time dint update my blog

actually i got lots of thing wanna to tell..
but i just have no time to online..
school re-open already..
form 4 life was so boring..tired and i started to stress
wow..wanna write back wat happen to me in this 2 weeks really hard..
dunno want start from wat

lets talk bout prefect first :
first, i have to find back the record of latecomers for November last year? aiyo..i don't have the copy of it..and i don't think my partner did tat..so, end up by doing it myself.
second, i have to complete the new pelan blik guru in 1 week time..so hard..
but lastly i manage to did it..because of many new teacher and almost all my dearest teacher shift so, there was a lot of changes of position in the teachers room.
third, i have morning duty this week..i reached skul at 6.45 but almost everyday i dont get to open any places except susun kerusi and buka pintu. i just get to open teachers room on Wednesday cause i reach skul at 6.38 tat day.! and did my pelan blik guru tat day!

besides prefect, i want to talk about my class!
well..still in 4 cemerlang..starting felt weird cause not sitting back with my 3 cemerlang buddy..they sit so far..i was having lots of fun with them last year..miss the moment..but now oso ok! cause most of my best friend sit around me..hahaha
very boring la..i really not interested in science stream..i felt so sleepy when science class..haih..how leh? i have to try to like it..try my best la..hope natalie can make me like it..since she so damn LOVE it..second is math class..so confuse..not because of the teacher..but because i forget all the basic math formulae !! shit! too long dint do ady..thats why..its hard for me to do math now..same to bm! but luckily got Audrey help me for math..tat time i see coco karangan..wow!! so expert! keep asking whether she do herself or copyright want? hahahaha..this few days oso got phone contact with ky after skul to talk bout hw, and bla bla bla..like phone no need money want..hahaha..
manju!! i have to handle sketsa with her..ok le with her..she help a lot..! thx dude! but sometimes i hate the way she talk! sound bitchy..sorry to said! haha
bt u are the one who can classified as most ngam with me..and most like to cari gado with me!! thats you!!
teo! adui..i hate the name! miss **u!! cause of walking with u all go moral class..my nama baik musnah i think..haih..always with u all sure kena masalah want..( lai yeh )! hahaha..teo sit so far from us..haiyo..

yeah! i sit with saidatul ( the one WHO WANT TO GO ASRAMA PENUH ) and chew!
haha..nice la..both smart student..
form 4 not to said got lots of hw..but the hw very hard..like not enough time..
see, now wat time? i just finish my work..fiuh!

in the house ar..just full of laughter..
laughter of me and coco! want do hw oso cant..
everyday oso talk nonsence and laugh! dunno wat happen to both of us..
no wonder do hw oso need so long la!

long time nvr have a real conversation with fd members..
dont get to meet la..no time..
all busy only..haiyo..
mayb next week we will gather and kepoh again cause koko start!

before koko and tution start i already damn busy and tired..
wondering wat will happen if start dy? im dead!!
and the cheongsam tat me and coco order tat day..get dy!
hahaha..so funny la..i seem to look so old with it..and coco look so SUCI!
look only u know!! but the truth! adui..pham pham la...
haha..im so bad..thats all la..wanna sleep! nite nte!

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