Friday, June 3, 2011

suddenly felt like blogging.. ^^

sometimes i worry bout smtg tat is stupid for everyone..
but for me? it can makes me down for a long period of time..
when i started to get closer with someone..
used to chat or talk to all the time?
suddenly will lost contact with me without any reason??
hmm..i dunoo hw should i said about tat la.
its just a feeling which cant explain

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


enjoying a lot at brenda and natalie house!
and celebrating manju bday at pavi

wat do u think?

what will u do if :
ur friend betray u?
ur friend ignore u?
ur friend just act to like u?
ur friend is hyprocreate?

no idea at all la..

Friday, March 4, 2011

such a long time i dint update my blog only i realise i nvr update my blog for a long time..
hmm..lots of things to tell actually..dunno want start from where..
so, this post will be damn random la..

haih..who said form 4 is a honeymoon year??
not at all man..
even teachers said tat form 4 is harder than form 4!!
starting of the week im really damn stress la..
bout studies , prefect and everything!
somemore im thinking wat class to go leh..
till now ..form 4 is life now just hw hw hw..and tution..
only rest day is sunday..somemore sometimes have to do hw..
good to said..i always done the hw if i know how to do..
bout hw..really thx to one of my dearest bf, kah yin
she helped me a lot this year..she always borrow her book to me for COPY the answer..hahaha..she damn good..thx!! even she is not good at explain..she will try her best to teach me de..
Besides tat, i have to thx to my buddy, saidatul..especially bio and math time..
she always teach me if i dont understand..thx dear sai!!

bad news is alya and izreen pindah dy lu..
one go SBU and one go SBS..
fara mayb pindah oso..haih.
hope the stay happy and healty there..

my first exam just over..
too bad..i cant do it well..
wondering wat will i get..i tot physic is not hard..
but when i got back my results, i gt D..
no comment le..
like wat all my seniors said..sure got fail de la..
so, take it positive le..

yeah!! our class have to perform sketsa this monday..
kinda hard for me to handle it..
and im the director of it!!hahaha
but its ok le..hope can perform well..

* many stuff somemore le..but im damn lazy to say le *

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

happy chinese new year to everyone!!

its chinese new year!!
happy cny to everyone!!
this year i dont really felt cny feel..
like normal only..hmm..
life is kinda boring for me nowdays..
tought of watching pokemon !! my favourites..
but my sis macgy got probe..damn!!
it was my only chance to watch pokemon lo!!
school start gonna busy like hell!!

so nice la this few days..get to chat with most of my friends..and seniors..
miss all of them la..miss their laughter..
hmm..yea! tat day was Eunice bday..HAPPY BDAY GIRL..GROW UP LA U..

even cny, but oso cant get enough rest
teacher gives alot of hw..
life is so stress!!
chemistry?? add maths? maths??
aiyo...make me damn stress la..
my eyeball oso become darker and bigger liau..
pls la..i hope i wont be so stress lo..hnmm

* I dunno wat am i trying to tell la..damn random..too tired.. * hahah

Friday, January 21, 2011

very damn fking stress!

form 4 life is more hard than wat i think..hmm
nowdays, i cant do well on my studies or even my duty..
everyday sure got somethings that not rite happen to me..
hmm..very tired la..damn stress..
everyday oso got lots of hw..even thaipusam holiday oso cant get to rest well..
haih..went to visit my greatgrandmother during the thaipusam..

sometimes not i dont want to do my hw,
but i just lack of time and dunno how to do..
all the teachers are rushing to catch the syllables..but most of the students dont get to understand a thing?? haih..
too much of activity in school always said tution is not important..
but without tution? do u think we can understand a single things ar??NO LO!! NOT AT ALL MAN!!
HAIH.. i dunno how i can tumpahkan one of my senior water ..
so damn sorry..but till now i still dont understand how and why lo..hehe
sorry kak..!!

actually, too much things i want to said de..
got sad, angry, blur, or even happy stuff..
junior, seniors, friend, best friends , and family..
but i just dunno how to said la..
so leave it la..bye

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

long time dint update my blog

actually i got lots of thing wanna to tell..
but i just have no time to online..
school re-open already..
form 4 life was so boring..tired and i started to stress
wow..wanna write back wat happen to me in this 2 weeks really hard..
dunno want start from wat

lets talk bout prefect first :
first, i have to find back the record of latecomers for November last year? aiyo..i don't have the copy of it..and i don't think my partner did, end up by doing it myself.
second, i have to complete the new pelan blik guru in 1 week hard..
but lastly i manage to did it..because of many new teacher and almost all my dearest teacher shift so, there was a lot of changes of position in the teachers room.
third, i have morning duty this week..i reached skul at 6.45 but almost everyday i dont get to open any places except susun kerusi and buka pintu. i just get to open teachers room on Wednesday cause i reach skul at 6.38 tat day.! and did my pelan blik guru tat day!

besides prefect, i want to talk about my class!
well..still in 4 cemerlang..starting felt weird cause not sitting back with my 3 cemerlang buddy..they sit so far..i was having lots of fun with them last year..miss the moment..but now oso ok! cause most of my best friend sit around me..hahaha
very boring la..i really not interested in science stream..i felt so sleepy when science leh? i have to try to like it..try my best la..hope natalie can make me like it..since she so damn LOVE it..second is math confuse..not because of the teacher..but because i forget all the basic math formulae !! shit! too long dint do ady..thats why..its hard for me to do math now..same to bm! but luckily got Audrey help me for math..tat time i see coco!! so expert! keep asking whether she do herself or copyright want? hahahaha..this few days oso got phone contact with ky after skul to talk bout hw, and bla bla phone no need money want..hahaha..
manju!! i have to handle sketsa with her..ok le with her..she help a lot..! thx dude! but sometimes i hate the way she talk! sound bitchy..sorry to said! haha
bt u are the one who can classified as most ngam with me..and most like to cari gado with me!! thats you!!
teo! adui..i hate the name! miss **u!! cause of walking with u all go moral nama baik musnah i think..haih..always with u all sure kena masalah want..( lai yeh )! hahaha..teo sit so far from us..haiyo..

yeah! i sit with saidatul ( the one WHO WANT TO GO ASRAMA PENUH ) and chew!
haha..nice la..both smart student..
form 4 not to said got lots of hw..but the hw very not enough time..
see, now wat time? i just finish my work..fiuh!

in the house ar..just full of laughter..
laughter of me and coco! want do hw oso cant..
everyday oso talk nonsence and laugh! dunno wat happen to both of us..
no wonder do hw oso need so long la!

long time nvr have a real conversation with fd members..
dont get to meet time..
all busy only..haiyo..
mayb next week we will gather and kepoh again cause koko start!

before koko and tution start i already damn busy and tired..
wondering wat will happen if start dy? im dead!!
and the cheongsam tat me and coco order tat day..get dy! funny la..i seem to look so old with it..and coco look so SUCI!
look only u know!! but the truth! adui..pham pham la... so bad..thats all la..wanna sleep! nite nte!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Random ~

guess wat? this few days my mum keep on asking me to go shopping??
so weird..haha..
tat day go shop with my mum and aunt at pavi, ts, and sg wang..
we go by lrt!! i lead them go..hahah!!
so nervous bring them go..hahaha

my aunt bought me a GUESS brand bag..
i dont really like the colour..
so, i change it..
my god!! pavi parkson all bag oso so ugly!
lastly i change it to a SEMBONIA handbag..
and the extra money my mum used to buy perfume!
she untung liau..hahahaha

meet both of my dearest seniors yesterday in a different place..
my god ! i cant believe that i can meet them lo..
somemore both oso working de..haha...
so cute la they both!!

wanna buy shirt de..but not nice..
so, i still havent bought any yet..hmm..
legs so pain liau la..keep on shopping..hahaha..
but dont manage to bought anything for myself..

on 31 dec, my house having steamboat party,.
having lots of fun leh..
teo and aud oso got come..but just for GAMBLING!
shit! i lose again..
im keep on losing this year.huhuhu

my god! i just plan to cut short a bit of my hair only de..
but my mum and the aunt so happy cutting my hair..cause my hair kinda dry nowdays..
lastly my hair so short now!!


wow! atlast i get to go Genting!
damn nice man..starting my parents dont allow me to go..
cause it go by bus..very dangerous leh..
but lastly i manage to go..

morning wait the AUDREY NG YUN YI to fetch me go..
haha..luckily i still remember how to go teo house..
we attach her house..cause she ask us to wait her at down there?? = =

have to wait the bus ticket..swt..
talk talk talk..
so fun la!!]

argh..we buy all park..
but just get to play 1 rides for indoor..sien lo!
my money..huhu

having lots of fun there with teo chai hoon and audrey..
thx buddies!!